The current overexploitation of the planet compromises its sustainability and the available resources for the future generations. In order to aim at environmental preservation, recovery of natural areas, water and waste administration, you need the commitment of all the agents involved and the promotion of the implementation of specific policies oriented towards sustainability.
From Alarwool we are fully aware of the importance of developing our business activity within a framework of respect and sensitivity towards the environment. Therefore Alarwool Executive Management establishes an integrated system of quality and environmental management, from which we work to minimise the environmental impact that our activity produces.

With this purpose we have developed a program of good environmental practices in order to save in resources consumption and do an adequate management of the waste.
The pillars on which our eco-philosophy is based are the following ones:
1. 1. Quality and environmental management are strategical elements for the company.
2. 2. The development of all our employees is a priority in terms of continuous improvement of their personal and technical skills.
3. 3. The continous improvement of the efficiency of the system and the pollution prevention are considered essential.
4. 4. We promote the integration of environmental criteria in all our activities and business processes.
Raw materials
More than 90 % of our raw materials are obtained directly from nature, such as wool and cotton. Our lambswool comes from Spain, England, France, New Zealand…. always from alive specimens, which are subjected to the process of shearing once peryear. This process is made with scissors or special shearing machines that guarantee that the animal does not suffer any harm as well as maximum respect and care for the valuable wool fibers.
In a later process, these wools are mixed with nylon fibers in a percentage of 80 %-20% in order to give them strength and abrasion resistance. All the nylon that we use for these mixtures is recycled, reducing this way 50% the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

1000Kg of Recycled Nylon it is equivalent to 1424kg less of CO2, which it is the energy that consumes one bulb lighted 401500 hours or one car along 8544km and the CO2 absorbed by 160 pine trees along one year.

From a quantifiable point of view: 1000Kg of recyclable nylon 1424 Kg less of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere.
In the sector of transport Alarwool is committed with shipments optimization with the target of minimising the environmental and economic impact and maintaining the growth of the welfare state without overexploiting the resources ot the Earth.
In the energy sector we focus on saving energy and finding alternative sources of power generation by designing energy-efficient facilities and infrastructure.
Alarwool’s commitment to the environment is strong, so much so it has a sister company called Luzalar, devoted to the production of energy through a hydroelectric power station located in the Spanish province of Palencia. In this way we minimize the environmental impact caused by the company as we generate more energy than we consume in our facilities.
The importance of managing the resources properly is such that several international agreements and World Conferences on the Environment, such as the one of Rio in 1992, have addressed the issue.
The broad lines which must drive the actions are:
– Reducing the production of waste from origin.
– Processing adequately the waste produced.
In this direction, wool fibers that are leftover in our manufacturing process, are used afterwards in the production of natural fiber underlay used for the installation of our carpets, giving a way out to all this material and obtaining a double profit both for the planet and for our company.